We are proud to announce that we are now an authorized ROUSH Performance Parts Dealer!
We will be offering ROUSH parts for online ordering as well as in shop orders and custom ROUSH installation for all performance parts. We have excellent experience in custom tuning and installation for these Supercharger Kits and customization/add-ons to these kits! We look forward to seeing your Mustang or F-150 in our shop!
Be sure to check back often as we add our ROUSH Performance Packages available for in shop installations, as well as adding ROUSH’s products to our website for purchase!
2015+ 5.0L Mustang & F-150 supercharger kits and parts are now available! Featuring 727 HP Phase 2 ROUSHcharger for S550 Mustangs!
Also, be sure to follow our White 2014 5.0L Mustang GT Shop Car with a ROUSH TVS2300 Supercharger kit…2016 end of season updates to come, as well as 2017 season anticipations!
Call us for information on custom combinations for the 2011-2014 Mustang 5.0L cars!
“The name ROUSH means many things to many different people. To the weekend race fan, ROUSH is one of the most successful race teams in the world. To the automotive industry, it’s a premier supplier and an engineering services provider. To new vehicle buyers, ROUSH is sought after name for high performance pre-titled vehicles.
What does this mean as you consider adding one of the many performance upgrade packages seen here? It means that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience behind every part that we sell. We do more than simply selling parts that upgrade performance. Rather, we do so while holding the highest standards of quality and longevity. To do this requires a high-level of understanding of the entire vehicle as a system, and this is something that few in the industry deliver.
ROUSH is most known for its line of high performance Mustang powertrain parts, including our superchargers, cold air intakes, and exhaust kits. However, this is just the beginning of what we have to offer. Our suspension kits have been rated at over 1G on the lateral skid pad and have been developed with hundreds of man-hours of labor on the track, street, and engineering design studio. Our brake packages which we sell for street use have likewise been highly developed and even tested in a number of racing series. Our body kits are manufactured with OE-quality materials, many of which are produced at the ROUSH plastics manufacturing facility. The list goes on to include a full line of wheels, tires, interior, grilles, graphics, service parts, accessories, drivetrain, cooling upgrades, and more. In addition to Mustang, you’ll also find performance upgrade packages for Ford F-150, Superduty, and Focus.”